Awareness Campaigns

Awareness Campaigns for Raising the Level of Health and Environment

Occupational health and safty workshops for  workers in scrap and recycling business (2017)

Occupational health and safty workshops for workers in scrap and recycling business (2017)

GLSHD conducted several occupational health and safety workshops lectures about the protection and safety procedures for workers in the field of scrap and recycling sector, also distribution of protective masks and gloves for workers to encourage them to use preventive measures in this sector. 

Awareness outreach for mothers about the effects of the burning of electronic waste on health and environment Idna, Deir Samit, and Beit Awwa (2016 – 2017)

Awareness outreach for mothers about the effects of the burning of electronic waste on health and environment Idna, Deir Samit, and Beit Awwa (2016 – 2017)

GLSHD volunteers participated with mothers in awareness outreach campaign about the effects of burning electronic waste on health and environment, and the importance of children monitoring and education to prevent them to conduct  burning process. 

Motivational competitions to build the idea of preventing the action of burning e- waste and the use of alternatives for its disposal (2016-2017)

The Association organized several motivational competitions for students in the south west area of Hebron. Those competitions aimed to promote the idea of reusing and recycling of solid waste, especially electronic waste. Among these competitions, there was one entitled as The Best Electronic Waste Recycled Project.

Green Land Society for Health Development (GLSHD) is a Non-profit organization established in 2007 in Hebron

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Hebron – Alia Hospital Street – Al Quds Building - GF 

Tel. 02-2211369
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